
The FIW is a central forum for the discussion of competition-policy related themes in the national, European and international context. It is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and research in the areas of economic constitution and competition law. To this end we regularly hold conferences and events, provide support to the new generation of young academics, and publish research results. We take an interdisciplinary approach to all our work.

Since it was initially founded in the year 1960, our institute has been substantially contributing to regulatory policy. Our mission today remains the same as it was on the day we started: we create awareness for the ‘playing rules’ of a free market economy and work hard to convince people of the need for additional competition in all the areas of economic and social life.

The FIW has gained a high level of acclaim in both professional circles and beyond. Our reputation is especially based on our continual specialist work, the wide breadth and scope of our activities as well as our independence from specialist interests. Since German competition law and German regulation of competition has been, and to a large part continues to be exemplary for Europe as a whole, the FIW also participates in a role which sees it operating at the cutting edge.